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Baling Wire in the Recycling Industry
Baling wire is used regularly in the recycling industry. Recycling companies compact their paper materials & corrugated cardboard and use baling wire to keep the baled materials from falling apart. There are a variety of balers used in the recycling industry today to accommodate for different size facilities, and most of them require baling wire to run properly. These balers basically compact the materials into large rectangular or cubed shaped bales that are then securely tied with baling wire. Recycling companies use baling wire because of its strength and durability to keep the baled material tightly compacted. Baling wire when used correctly, tightly holds its shape, will not break when transporting, and can securely hold a large amount of material together. Baled recycled material is easier and more cost efficient to transport and store compared to loose recycled materials. That is what makes baling wire a recycling industry standard.